So! You're having a baby.

Let me preface this by saying, yes, yes, OF COURSE I'm going to advocate for you to get some sort of professional photos of your new, tiny human. I never did, and I regret it like crazy. Not only because I had four of THEE most gorgeous babies ever to grace this earth (you know, along with all the rest of the babies) but also because those first two weeks fly by in a complete blur of A) What the hell just happened to me/my body/my brain/my life B) unutterable joy C) unutterable fatigue D) a toxic miasma of hormones and finally E) a toxic miasma of relatives hovering nearby. (I kid, I kid--sort of.)

What I'm trying to say is that those first days are--a lot. That is why I absolutely love Fresh 48 sessions, named for that short window of time at the hospital/birth center/your home after baby arrives. Here's how they work: I come to you after your dear babe has safely arrived, and document those very special moments of you and your dear ones meeting/hanging out with/loving the new kid. It really is that simple! It's quiet, it's sweet, it's through, and then--it's over! I'm gone, but suddenly you're feeling way ahead of the curve because you have beautiful images of your brand new little family, and you didn't even have to leave your room. [Cue the Hallelujah! music]

Thinking about a Fresh 48? What you need to know, because I'm a giver!

When to schedule: As soon as you are able! I will block out your due date, and as it approaches, we will keep in touch. Typically, moms are kicked out of the hospital in less than two days, so I will come to you during the daylight hours after the baby arrives and after you're feeling up to it.

How long do the sessions last? Generally around 1 hour.

Do I need to pack anything different for these? No! I will bring everything needed for Baby, and also mom, if she wants. I do also provide a styling service free of charge ahead of time!

I am definitely a huge fan of the connection and emotion that come with a good Fresh 48. If you think this sounds like a good fit for you and your family, I'd love to answer any other questions you may have!