Chances are, you're stressed reading this.

If so, I understand. I was so stressed out during the newborn stage. My house was a wreck, my brain was a wreck, and my body was a wreck. (I truly believe that these three factors were the #1 reason why I--get this--NEVER HAD PROFESSIONAL PHOTOS TAKEN OF ANY OF MY FOUR BABIES. Yes--cry with me over this sad, sad information.) I simply couldn't have one more thing to be stressed over. And that was that.

If this is you, I have good news for you: I'm here to reassure you that this will be easy. It's my number one priority that our time together is stress-free. Let me tell you why, and let me tell you the EXACT things you need to do and not do, for a relatively quick, laid back session with your adorable new human.

If you're coming to me:

Fed babies are generally happy, sleepy babies. If you're on a feeding schedule, try to feed baby right before you leave. Breastfed babies tend to need to eat more often--I encourage both breastfeeding moms and bottle feeding moms to top off their little ones as soon as you arrive.

Have Baby dressed in a sleeper that zips. I will generally dress him in some type of outfit, or will wrap him--usually a combination of both. You do not need to bring a thing for Baby--I provide all wraps, bonnets, headbands, etc...!

If we are taking any photos with the family, I suggest comfy neutrals! My overall editing style lends to warmth, so warm, earthtones are always a home run. REACH OUT and I am overjoyed to help you with this! Please do not worry about footwear--especially for kids.

I will generally start with sibling and family photos, then do several set ups with Baby. I have a Roku and plenty of toys for siblings to engage with following their photos, while I finish up with Baby.

If I'm coming to you:

In addition to having Baby freshly fed, I suggest having your house warm. We will shoot in the areas with the best natural light. This tends to be near a big window. Popular areas to shoot for in-home sessions are Baby's room, Mom & Dad's room, and the living room.

Your house does not have to be spotless! However, it is helpful to try to have the three rooms mentioned relatively clutter-free to save time. I am more than happy to assist you! :)

We will shoot with all artificial lights off, so it also helps to have those off when I arrive. Again, I will bring a variety of wraps and a few simple props for a few photos of Baby solo, as well.

a note for moms:

Most moms don't feel particularly fantastic after pushing a human out of themselves. That is okay! Please don't let that deter you from getting in the frame! It is my job to make you look amazing. Trust me when I say I know how to pose you to look and feel your very best! It's my job!


Most sessions are done in under two hours, and you will have beautiful, wall-worthy images of your little one to cherish. Because--just like probably no less than 100 people have already told you--it does fly by in a blink, and sometimes you need to go back and look at that innocent little face after they Sharpie your wall in a couple years. :)

As always, reach out if you have any questions ahead of our time together! I am here to help with anything along the way.