What to Expect when you're done expecting.

The baby has arrived. You're feeling excited, relieved, overjoyed, tired, and probably overwhelmed. You had decided that you wanted studio newborn photos, but are feeling nervous about the session. With a newborn, it's hard to take a shower, let alone get out the door looking like a human being.

I get it. As a first-time mom, I was a trainwreck. I grew up the second-youngest grandchild on both sides of the family, and I'm a youngest child myself. I babysat, but they were all older kids who walked and talked and knew how to take care of the basics. Babies, to me, (like Russia to Mr. Churchill) were indeed a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. To top that off, trying to navigate breastfeeding and the barrage of "helpful advice" I was getting from all sides, the thought of going to the grocery store was nearly crippling. Newborn photos? Not gonna happen.

And they didn't. And I'm so, so sad about it.

Looking back, I just needed reassurance. And I'm writing this to reassure new parents--and moms, especially--that the newborn photos experience doesn't have to be stressful, and it's my number one goal that they're not. I love making moms feel comfortable and informed and assured that we will get beautiful images, and that once they walk in my door, I will take over and do all the work. All moms and dads have to do is drink some tea or coffee, binge Netflix, or take a nap.

I'm also happy to report that, unlike that day back in July of 2004, I'm no longer a nincompoop around babies. I have had four since then, and babies and I? We get along pretty fantastic these days. Along with having taken numerous newborn courses concerning infant safety, I feel very confident that the newborn photo experience will entail only assurance, ease, and rest during what can be a stressful (and wonderful) time of life.