You've heard me talk about my amazing styling service, and why it's such a great tool, but styling is something that I love to talk about, and it's something that I love helping clients out with. Why am I so obsessed with client wardrobe, anyway? I thought you'd never ask.

What you and your family wears is important not only because it completely sets the tone for your entire finished gallery, but also because it lends to a timeless, classic feel to it as well. A seamless cohesion, that draws your eye NOT to the clothes, but to the people IN the photos.

I'm a visual learner, so let me paint you a word picture. I was born in the 80s, and came of age in the 90s. If you see a photo of a girl with blue eyeshadow, sky high bangs, and stone washed jeans, you know it was your Aunt Tina's Class of '87 senior photo. Because OBVIOUSLY. My parachute pants and neon pink tshirts scream 90s in no uncertain terms.

The overall point I'm trying to make is that your goal for photos should be to minimize blatant anachronistic fashion transgressions. In other words, will some part of our attire potentially SCREAM 2022 someday? Then, maybe don't wear it.

Wear the dress!

As a lifestyle photographer, my goal for your gallery is to show love, emotion, and connection. As such, I ask you to cuddle together, run, dance, and twirl. These activities require you--and especially your kids!--to be able to move in them and be comfortable.

Ladies, and I cannot emphasize this enough, I cry tears of joy when y'all show up in beautiful, flowy dresses. Here's why:

  1. They are universally flattering. Trust me on this.
  2. They give you something to do with your hands. You can always swish your dress around, and it's magic.
  3. They add MOVEMENT to your images, and to me, that is second in importance only to light.
  4. You can move in them.
  5. There is little chance of the dreaded "side gush." This is also known as muffin top, and when you're bending and playing, everyone has it. (yep, even the size 2s!)
  6. A simple, beautiful dress will stand up to the test of time 10x better than that cold-shoulder top. Again, trust me on this.


Another thing I like to remind clients is the importance of color choice. My editing style is such that warm earth tones are your friends. Maroons, rusts, olives, ivories, creams, browns--these colors photograph so beautifully and they mesh well with the surroundings we shoot in.

I have had clients show up looking smashing--SMASHING--in bright fuschia or coral, and find that while these bright colors definitely stand out in the photos, it's simply too much. Suddenly, instead of gazing at the beautiful shot of your family snuggle, your eye automatically zeroes in on the bright dress that has taken center stage instead. It's just natural and instinctive for our eyes to do that!

Not only does the color suddenly become the hero of the shot, but it also tends to create color casts on everyone else's skin in close proximity. That bright green shirt will make you look like you're car sick--probably not the look we're after!

location location location

Finally, it's so important to think about the location we will be shooting in. In most cases, for family sessions, we will be in a natural setting, with tall grass, pretty skies, fencelines, and a smattering of trees. It's a really basic idea, but so many times we miss it: Your outfit choices should mesh with your surroundings.

So, for example, if we are planning to shoot in a grassy pasture, jeans and a dressy blazer are likely going to look out of place. Even though you look amazing, your outfit would better be suited for a more urban setting.

Babies & Kids are savages and do not care about how bad you want them to dress a certain way for family photos

That was a really long heading. But every last word is true! If your two year old hates jeans, he's not going to suddenly love them for family photos, too--not matter how badly you want him to wear them (and, in my kids' case, precisely BECAUSE they know you want it so much!)

There are SO MANY clothing options these days that work for kids that look great, photograph beautifully, and are comfortable! I highly suggest simple knits in earthy colors--especially for the littlest ones. They are soft and easy to move in and they let your child's long lashes, chubby arms, and adorable dimples take center stage. Linen clothing, in particular, is an adorable option for kids!

Babies under 6 months: You will be carrying them. They do not need shoes. Bare, squishy baby feet are way cuter to see than the bottom of a shoe (that is falling off the entire session anyway.)

Headbands/bows for baby girls between 6 months and 2 years old? I mean, honestly, we will try, but SO many sweet shots are almost totally ruined because at the last moment Little Miss decides to reach up an pull it off, or it falls down over their eyes, or--the worst!--they get the rhino effect when the bow drifts directly to the center of their cute, curly head.

In short, shoes and headbands for little people who don't need them and/or are resistant to them are better left in the car. Too many moving parts! Simplicity is your friend!

Be comfy, keep it simple, and have fun

In the end, that's the ultimate goal! I love taking your photos, and it's my #1 goal for you to LOVE your gallery. Please reach out and ask me for help! I do have a burgeoning client closet in a variety of sizes and I love if clients want to see what I have! Just reach out!